The AI Agent
Platform Built for
Brands & Publishers

Get started
Protect, control, and deploy your data across 1:1 personalized conversational campaigns that are powered by custom AI agents, anywhere your consumers want answers.

Engage consumers with your content, in your voice, on your terms - anywhere online.

Our platform combines an AI-first knowledge management rights solutions with custom AI agents to distribute conversational campaigns that respond to a user’s in-moment need - anywhere on the web.

Complete control over your data and content
Protect your knowledge assets and control where, when, and by whom your content is shown to consumers.
Direct exchanges with consumers, anywhere
Deploy generative marketing agents that engage with consumers in their in-moment need, anywhere online.
Living brand survey of consumers' needs
Understand and respond to consumers' direct questions, needs, and intent.

How it works

A description of how Firsthand's AI Agent platform worksThe Firsthand Platform

Company updates

Get started

Your AI agents.
Your consumers.
Always on your terms.

Contact us
Through Q2, we're accepting a small number of enterprise advertisers and publishers to participate in our pilot program.